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You asked us if we would sell properties - so we deliver at 2% fixed fee

Spotless Property Services

We are so thrilled to announce that we have decided to add property sales to our portfolio of property management, making us a truly one stop shop for all of your property requirements here in Spain. We want to make life easy and transparent for all would be sellers so we offer fixed fee of 2%.  That's It! If we sell your property - you pay us 2% of the agreed sale price.


Buying in home in Spain

Spain has always and will always remain a top destinations for Ex-pats looking to buy a property in the sun whether you are looking for an apartment by the beach a golf resort property or a country retreat Spain has it all, depending on your location to purchase property prices can start as low as €25,000 for an inland country house.
On the other end of the scale you can purchase a property on the Costa Del Sol from €65,000 for a studio apartment, Marbella being the most well known part, properties can cost around €9,000 per square meter compared to Inland it is around €2,000 per square meter.
Spanish property sales have been recovering robustly this year due to the boom in sales of resale properties. In Q2 this year, 199,408 properties were sold of which 99,343 were resale’s, according to the Spanish Land Registrars’ Association. The figures bring resale transactions to their highest level for almost ten years, and sales at the end of June were back at levels seen in 2007, before the property bubble burst.
Purchase Costs
The total cost of a property will depend on its location. This is because each autonomous Spanish region sets its own rate of transfer tax (Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales or ITP), which is payable on a resale purchase. A national ‘ballpark’ for ITP is seven per cent, although this tends to be higher in regions popular with foreigners, bar the Canaries where it is 6.5 percent.
“If buying in the Costa Blanca, part of the Valencian region, the transfer tax rate for this purchase would be 10 per cent, making it €35,000,” confirmed Alex Radford, a partner at law firm My Lawyer in Spain. “If buying in the Costa del Sol, part of the Andalusian region, the rate would be eight per cent, worth €28,000.”
Other buying costs for a €350,000 Spanish property would include: €1,800 for notary fees; €2,000 for land registration and other disbursements; and €4,235 (incl. VAT) for independent legal fees. This makes the total purchase cost €393,035 in the Costa Blanca or €386,035 in the Costa del Sol.

On-going ownership taxes/fees

Spain’s equivalent of council tax is Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmeubles (IBI), also known as SUMA. IBI rates vary slightly by municipality and are applied to a property’s rateable value, which is usually signifi cantly less than its market value. IBI often – but not always – includes the tax for local rubbish collection. An annual budget of €600-€800 for IBI should be adequate, less for an apartment, dependent on location.
If the property is part of an urbanisation or complex, community fees to cover the upkeep of communal areas and facilities will need to be paid. “These can range from €400 to €900 a year,” says Helen Blackburn, a Costa Blanca resident working for agent HomeEspaña. “Payment could be once or twice a year, or even every couple of months.”
Even if the property is not rented out, an annual ‘imputed income tax declaration’ will have to be made and a small amount of tax, likely to be €200-€400, paid.

Cost of living

According to global consumer price website, Spain is 19.9 percent less expensive than the UK in terms of consumer prices, with eating out and groceries 29.5 percent and 16.5 percent cheaper respectively. “Eating and drinking out is definitely cheaper here in Spain, especially the wine
Notably, Numbeo lists internet connection as dearer in Spain, by 32 percent, while basic utilities are 29 percent cheaper. “Broadband ranges from €30 to €100 per month,” continued Ms Blackburn. “Electricity can be expensive but you can reduce your bills by switching, for example from Iberdrola to Iberswitch. My six-bedroom house, with two kitchens and a pool, costs me roughly €118 a month for electric and €250 quarterly for water. Gas bottles are around €16 and last a long time - for my hob, one bottle can last six months.”


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